
12 Cat Breeds That Love Water in 2024

12 Cat Breeds That Love Water in 2024

Many people believe that cats absolutely hate water, but that’s not the whole story. It’s true that most cats avoid getting wet, but some breeds of domestic cats enjoy it. These water-loving kitties can be found in the U.S. and beyond, and the reasons for their affinity for H2O are as varied as the breeds themselves. Whether the behavior can be attributed to genetic makeup, environmental exposure, or simply that some individuals are wired to like water, here are the 12 cat breeds in 2024 that are most likely to embrace the wet stuff.

1. Van Cat (Turkish Van Cat)

The Van Cat, or “Turkish Van,” is perhaps the most famous water-loving cat. This breed has a unique affinity for water and has even been called the “swimming cat.” These cats originated from the Van area of Turkey, where they probably swam in natural waters to cool off. Their semi-water-repellent coats help them stay dry and warm after a bath or swim.

Van Cat - what breed of cat likes to swim

2. Maine Coon

Maine Coon cats are well known for their friendly and affectionate personalities. They are a large breed, commonly considered the largest domestic cat breed. They are also very intelligent. Many people who have Maine Coons say they act more like dogs than cats. They are very loyal and like to follow their humans around the house. Maine Coons are very playful and have a lot of energy, and they can keep you entertained for hours with their antics. And if you find a Maine Coon in your water bowl when you get home, don’t be too surprised. They are one of the few cat breeds that actually enjoys being around water.

Maine Coon- what breed of cat likes water

3. Turkish Angora

Like the Turkish Van, the Turkish Angora enjoys water. This breed, too, comes from Turkey and is noted for its beautiful and silky coat. In addition to their love for water, Turkish Angoras are active and also somewhat curious. These traits, together with their appearance, make them darlings among cat fanciers.

Turkish Angora - what breed of cat likes water

4. American Bobtail

The American Bobtail is a cat that possesses a wild, natural appearance. Its short tail sets it apart from most domesticated cats. The Bobtail also has a larger, sturdier body and longer legs than many of its relatives. Its intelligence and playfulness make it a perfect companion for the water-loving human adventurer. The American Bobtail naturally and easily takes to the water, exploring it with its human sidekick because Bobtails are saddled with the unfortunate and uncanny ability to survive almost any situation.

American Bobtail - breed of cat that likes water

5. Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat, with its thick, water-repellent coat, is along with the Maine Coon the breed that most enjoys being near water. Like the Maine Coon, the Norwegian Forest Cat is a natural hunter and climber that would instinctively stalk its prey along the very lakes and streams found in its native habitat of Norway. While we have little control over how much our cats actually enjoy the water, the Norwegian Forest Cat’s waterproof fur certainly makes it capable of more aquatic activities without the worry of overheating or becoming too uncomfortable.

 Norwegian Forest Cat - what cat breed likes water

6. Bobtail Japonais

Le Bobtail Japonais, connu pour sa courte queue et sa personnalité joueuse, a aussi un goût pour l’eau. Ce chat est bien trop actif et farceur pour passer son temps à se prélasser dans une litière. Ses aptitudes de chasse et son amour de l’eau en font un chat de type “farm cat” ou “working cat”. Admirez sa frimousse et sa queue en forme de pompon, puis allez lui dire un “nihao” ou un “konnichiwa” en le rencontrant.

Bobtail Japonais- cat breeds that love water

7. Manx

Another feline that favors H2O is the Manx, the tailless breed from the Isle of Man. These kitties have a reputation for being fun and friendly. Playtime often finds them indulging in some sort of water-based activity, whether it’s a sink, a bathtub, or an outside kiddie pool.

Manx- what breed of cat likes to swim

8. Abyssinian

The Abyssinian is a very ancient breed; it has been known for thousands of years. And unlike most cats, they truly don’t mind getting wet; in fact, they love water and are fascinated by it! Not only are they probably the liveliest cats you’ll ever have the chance to meet, but they also seem to have a great love for aquatic activities. When they do get wet, their short, satiny coats dry almost instantly.

Abyssinian - cat breeds that love water

9. Snowshoe

Snowshoe cats are known for their unique appearance, which features white paws, blue eyes, and a “V” marking on their faces. They were bred from Siamese cats and American Shorthairs, so they share the personality traits of those breeds. Snowshoes are affectionate, intelligent, and social. They have somewhat of a clownish demeanor, and they are not shy about engaging in water play.

Snowshoe - breed of cat that likes water

10. Selkirk Rex

With its long, curly coat, the affectionate Selkirk Rex is another breed that enjoys playing in water. These cats are known for their sweet and silly nature. They’re not really what you would call clowns, but they certainly don’t take life too seriously, and they often make you laugh when you’re around them.

Selkirk Rex - what cat breed likes water

11. Siberian

The Siberian cat, from Russia, has a thick, water-resistant coat that allows it to enjoy the aquatic environment. Known for its strength and agility, the Siberian cat can often be found playing in or near water. This breed’s love of water and impressive appearance make them fascinating felines.

Siberian - what breed of cats like water

Why Do Certain Cat Breeds Love Water?

Some cat breeds love swimming, and they may have very good reasons for it. Many of these breeds originated from places where swimming was necessary. For example, the Abyssinian breed, a domestic breed resembling the ancient Egyptian cats, hails from a part of Africa where the people live in close quarters with the river. The Turkish Van, another breed that is known to love water, originated in a very hot place beside a large lake.

If you own a cat and wish to get them acquainted with water, take heed of the following recommendations: Don’t Rush: Begin with bowls or containers of water so shallow they won’t be able to tell they’ve stepped into them. Toy Time: Use toys that are safe for water play to keep the experience fun. Praise and Reward: Your cat will appreciate a few treats and some affectionate praise when they investigate the presumed “mystery” of water. And Finally, Patience: Some cats will always be of the mind that they’re undomesticated wild animals, and nothing in their prehistoric DNA inclines them to be comfortable around water.

Most cats are not inclined to enjoy water, but these twelve breeds show that some can truly love a good bath. What’s more, even those cats that aren’t typically fond of water might surprise their owners by playing with it under the right circumstances. You won’t catch your average cat enjoying a day at the beach, but the lucky first-time owners of cats like the Maine Coon might find their pet playing with a puddle or licking up a few drops of spilled water.

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